• Shem Creek Presbyterian Church

  • Growing in the Gospel
    for Christ & the Community

    A community of faith for spiritual formation & discipleship.
  • Beauty
    in the Church

    A new faith community for a Growing Mount Pleasant.
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Biblical Worship and the Megachurch: Part 1

Megachurch leader Andy Stanley made headlines recently when he called parents "selfish" for wanting a smaller church. Stanley claims that megachurches help pass along Christianity to the next generation because they offer opportunities for children and youth to connect with others their age. While Stanley did offer an apology for his offensive remarks, it is worth asking: do megachurches offer a biblical pattern of worship for families on Sunday morning?

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Doesn't Mt Pleasant Have Enough Churches?

Shem Creek Presbyterian Church is a new church for Mt Pleasant. People often ask, "Doesn't Mt. Pleasant have enough churches already? Why are you planting Shem Creek Presbyterian Church?"

There are many reasons why God has called us to plant Shem Creek Presbyterian Church. Here are a few:

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The Message of 1 John

At Shem Creek Presbyterian Church we are studying through the letters of the Apostle John. These letters were written near the end of the 1st century to Christians struggling with false teaching and unity in the early church. What can we learn from John that can impact life and the church today?

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The Reason Jesus Christ Appeared

In his letter to the early church, the Apostle John tells them why Jesus Christ came from Heaven to earth.

"The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil" (1 John 3.8). The Son of God came as Christus Victor, the divine Son sent by the Father to be victorious over Satan. The works of Satan led to sin, evil, and death throughout God's good creation.

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2016 Summer Mission Trip to the United Kingdom

Mission trips may not often be associated with young church plants; in fact the mission trip is considered the remit of the established church that has at its disposal money and plenty of people. However, at Shem Creek Presbyterian, a church plant in Mt. Pleasant, SC, we believe that the church is universal as well as local. We have a desire to reach out to our community of Mt Pleasant and the greater Charleston area with the gospel, but also to encourage, serve and help churches across the country and in other nations around the world. We wish for this attitude to be part of the fabric of our church from the very beginning.

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Presidential Politics, Terrorism, and Stock Prices: Reasons to Worry?

As politicians grapple for the presidency this year, politics dominates the national news. Our own governor was in the political spotlight in January when she gave the official GOP response to President Obama’s State of the Union Address. In her remarks, Governor Haley pointed out numerous challenges America faces because of failed politicians, while celebrating how Charleston came together last year in the face of the horrific violence at Immanuel AME Church.

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