Revelation reveals God's plan for the end.
The final book of the Bible describes the Triune God's plan for the end of history. Through images and symbols in a vision, God reveals to the Apostle John his divine plan for the world.
Over the centuries, many have read the book of Revelation in order to solve the "end times" mystery or discover the missing piece of the puzzle of when the end of all things will happen. However, the book of Revelation is a not code to unlock, but a letter that reveals several important theological truths that God's people need to know and believe.
This fall we will study the book of Revelation and see that the Apostle John highlights several important spiritual themes in his writings:
1. Suffering and victory: throughout the book, John reminds his readers they can expect to suffer in this fallen world. He encourages his readers not to be surprised by hardship or tribulation. In a sinful world Christians should expect opposition and trials.
2. Throne of God: although there is suffering and tribulation, Christians should have confidence that Jesus Christ is on the throne of the universe. All the chaos and calamities of life are under the absolute control of Jesus Christ and he is orchestrating all things to their appointed end. Although rulers and kings claim to have power, only Jesus Christ has absolute power over all things.
3. New creation: John reveals to his readers that God is directing the wheels of time towards their appointed end when he will make all things new. He will restore his creation and renew his people in a new heavens and a new earth. Accordingly, our hope is not found in this life or world, but in the renewed creation that will come through Jesus Christ.
4. Christian living in the world: as you read and study Revelation, John makes it clear that God's people should not have a "bunker" mentality. In other words, Christians are not called to isolate themselves from others and just wait for the end of the world. Sometimes that may be an appealing proposition, but John reveals that God's people are expected to be spiritual light in the midst of a dark world. Christians are called to live for the glory of God amidst suffering and trials. Christians are empowered to do that because they know Jesus Christ is on the throne of the universe and he is bringing about a new creation for his people and will live with them forever.
Join us each Sunday this fall as we study the book of Revelation. We meet at 10:30 at the historic Darby Building on Pitt Street in Mount Pleasant.