• Shem Creek Presbyterian Church

  • Growing in the Gospel
    for Christ & the Community

    A community of faith for spiritual formation & discipleship.
  • Beauty
    in the Church

    A new faith community for a Growing Mount Pleasant.
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Peace is hard to find.

Where do you find peace?

How do you find peace when life is painful?

1 Samuel 20 is a memorable story about finding peace amidst the pain and problems of life. In 1 Samuel 20, David is on the run from King Saul. King Saul wants David dead. As a result, David has fled from his wife and his best friend - he is alone. Moreover, David has already survived multiple attempts by Saul to end his life. On top of that, Saul has told his military leaders that the official policy of his administration is to kill David!

The circumstances of David's life are chaotic and stressful. He is alone. He is on the run. He is surviving day to day. 

Yet David has peace. Although his life appears in turmoil, David has peace.

His peace does not come from his cirucmstances but rather from a promise. His peace comes from a covenant. David and Prince Jonathan made a covenant (1 Samuel 18) to be at peace together not matter what happens. That promise gives David peace even though his life seems upside down.

Where do you find peace?

You won't find it in the circumstances of your life. You won't find it in a better job, a new career, a new relationship, or better grades in school.

Peace comes from a person and a promise. The person is Jesus Christ and the promise is the covenant of grace. God promises to be gracious and merciful to you based on the redemptive work of Jesus Christ - his life, death, and resurrection from the dead. God's promises to you are based on what Christ has done, not what you can do for him.

The peace you are seeking is found in the promise God makes to his people based on the salvific work of the Son of God. Instead of trying to find peace through the changing circumstances of your life, find peace in Jesus Christ - the Prince of Peace - and his promise of grace to you.

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