Let's Pray.
As you begin 2018, will you join us as we commit our young church to the Triune God in prayer?
Many of you probably have resolutions for 2018: try to get into better shape, eat better, spend less money, etc.
One resolution to consider for 2018 is to commit time to Bible reading and prayer. Daily Scripture reading and prayer are important spiritual disciplines that help you grow in your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
As a church, we are committing a full 24hrs to praying for our church family and our city as we begin 2018. Please pray with us during our 24hr concert of prayer which begins Friday, 1/5 at noon and continues until noon on Saturday, 1/6.
Please use the link below and sign up and commit to praying for Shem Creek Presbyterian Church and the Lowcountry. Let's pray that we will be faithful to God in 2018 and that he will bless our young church in the year ahead.