The end is near.
In Mark 13, Jesus Christ talks to his disciples about two topics - the coming destruction of the temple and the end of the world. This chapter is the longest teaching discourse in Mark's Gospel and bridges the public ministry of Jesus Christ (Mark 1-12) with the story of his arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection (Mark 14-16).
According to Christ, the extravagant and expansive temple will come toppling down. Moreover, it will happen in their lifetime. These prophetic words caused alarm to Peter and the other disciples with him. How could this happen? When will this happen?
Jesus warns about the coming destruction and alerts them to be ready to flee to the hills to survive. Historically, Jesus Christ was 100% correct. In a few decades the Roman leader Titus will march his Roman troops into town and will utterly devastate the town and temple. Over 1 million Jews in Jerusalem will be barbarically crushed. Further, the magnificent temple complex will be razed to the ground. Interstingly, many of the early Christians obeyed the words of Christ and fled Jerusalem and survived the barbaric attack from the Romans.
The 2nd topic Jesus Christ talks about in Mark 13 is the end of the world - when the Son of Man returns in the clouds.
Using the language of Old Testament prophets such as Isaiah, Jesus asserts, "the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory."
In other words, when he returns the universe will shake with the powerful presence of God coming to end history and begin his visible eternal reign. There will be cosmic upheaval when the King of the universe arrives to reward his people and punish his enemies.
The powerful prophecy and apocalyptic imagery of Mark 13 leads to a couple important points for you today.
1. Be prepared for adversity until Jesus Christ returns.
Jesus did not promise his disciples perfect health. He did not promise them wealth. He did not promise that all their dreams and personal aspirations would come true.
Rather, Jesus promised that there will be challenges, pain, and adversity throughout your life until he returns. He did not say that to discourage you, but to prepare you. He warned of the problems of life so that when you experience them you will look to him in faith. So that you will find rest in him. So that you will trust him in the midst of adversity.
2. Be prepared for the return of Jesus Christ.
Jesus promised that he will return and that one day he will set everything right in the universe. Are you prepared for that day? Are you ready to meet the Creator of the universe?
In a prophetic vision, the prophet Ezekiel describes God as riding on a cosmic chariot through the ages of time. The whirling wheels of God's divine chariot race full speed ahead toward the appointed end of all things. It's an image that reassures you that God is in control of all the events of history and he is guiding all things to that final Day of the Lord.
Being prepared for that day is more important than your career, your family, or your retirement account. Being prepared means turning from sin and living for yourself and trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you prepared for his return? Are you prepared for the Day of the Lord?