Divorce and financial prosperity.
Everyone has opinions on these topics. These two issues generate a lot of conversation and controversy. In Mark 10, Jesus Christ is asked two controversial questions.
First, the religious leaders ask him about divorce. They don't ask him because they value his learned opinion; they ask because they are testing to see if he will say something self-incriminating. They want to use his answer against him.
Jesus responds by affirming the teaching of Moses from Deut. 24. Then he elevates the conversation to marriage. Christ points these hypocritical religious leaders to the truth of God's intent for marriage: they should uphold marriage, rather than seek ways to undermine God's design for one man and one woman in marriage.
Later, as Jesus Christ is walking down a dirt road, a wealthy young man runs up to him and falls on his knees. He asks Jesus, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?"
What a great question! This guy is serious about getting into heaven!
Jesus asks him if he has ever stolen, lied, committed adultery, or murdered. With a sense of accomplishment, this rich man affirms that he has kept the law of God - he has never committed any of these sins. What a relief!
Notice how Jesus Christ responds. He does not accuse the man of being dishonest or being a hypocrite. He accepts the man's statement as true. He doesn't even chastise the man for getting rich at the expense of the poor. Rather, he affirms that this man gained his wealth through an honest and virtuous life.
However, just as this man is feeling elated over his righteous life, Jesus Christ brings the command that ruins his day. "Go, sell all you have to the poor and follow me."
Mark tells us that the man was discouraged by this command and went away full of sorrow. This man was wealthy. He had a lot of stuff. He would rather hold on to his possessions than hold on to Christ. He valued temporal things over eternal things.
The words of Jesus show that this rich young man had indeed broken the law of God. He broke the 1st commandment - "Have no other gods before me."
The rich young man had another god - his possessions. He valued his stuff over God. With the opportunity to follow Jesus Christ and receive eternal life right in front of him, he walked away to his riches because he could not part with them.
The lesson for you is clear in this story: what do you value above God? Is there something that would bring life-changing sorrow if you lost it?
Only Jesus Christ promises eternal life to those who put their faith and follow him. Only Jesus Christ provides an eternal treasure you can never lose. This story from Mark 10 reminds us to value Jesus Christ above everything in your life. Material possessions can bring fleeting pleasure and amusement, but he brings eternal peace and everlasting life.