Would you like a report card on your behavior?
A recent newspaper article discussed the fact that decades ago many schools gave out letter grades on personal conduct. For example, many high school students in the 1940's got a letter grade in math and history, but also on individual character and behavior.
As we read Mark 8, Jesus Christ comes in contact with three different types of people. Jesus Christ gives them each a grade on their spiritual behavior - a spiritual report card.
In the opening verses of Mark 8, the author tells us that a crowd of 4,000 has been with Jesus Christ for three straight days. They have sat for days listening to him tell parables and teach about the Kingdom of God. They are hungry for his teaching and his ministry.
Knowing their physical needs, Jesus Christ takes 7 pieces of bread and some fish and provides enough food to feed every person. This crowd is faithfully following and listening to Jesus Christ.
The second group of people Jesus meets are the religious leaders. They confront Jesus Christ as he gets off his boat and they demand a sign. They want him to prove himself. After all Jesus Christ has said and done, they still provoke him and demand more. Knowing they are only there to argue, Jesus tells them they will not receive a sign. He will not perform a miracle because that will not change their heart. They are testing him rather than faithfully following him.
The final group of people Jesus Christ interacts with are the disciples - his closest friends. When Jesus warns them to watch out for the unbelieving attitude of the Pharisees, the disciples misunderstand his words and get confused. Jesus asks them, "Do you not yet perceive or understand?"
In other words, "Why don't you understand who I am and what I am doing in my ministry?"
Each group of people engages Jesus Christ and reveals their level of spiritual understanding. They receive a spiritual grade from Jesus Christ based on their faith in him. The large crowd receives an A on their report card because they listen to Christ and trust him. The Pharisees get an F. They reject Jesus Christ and oppose him.
What about the disciples? What grade to they receive?
Their report card says INCOMPLETE. They need more time and more training to fully understand the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Today, what does your spiritual report card say? Are you following him, opposing him, or still deciding?
The message of Mark and the message of Scripture is that God sends his only Son to redeem broken men and women from the consequences of sin. The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Word of God who rescues humanity from sin sin and death. The Bible instructs you to understand who he is, what he accomplished at the cross, and put your faith in him today.