• Shem Creek Presbyterian Church

  • Growing in the Gospel
    for Christ & the Community

    A community of faith for spiritual formation & discipleship.
  • Beauty
    in the Church

    A new faith community for a Growing Mount Pleasant.
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In Biblical Worship and the Megachurch: Part 1, we addressed the biblical mandate for families to worship the Triune God together on Sunday morning. Our worship should be shaped by Scripture and biblical principles, not by pragmatism and popular culture.

One aspect that is often overlooked in discussions of worship styles is that bibilcal worship is a learned activity.

Children learn how to worship by being with their parents in a worship service, not by being segregated to a room with other kids, organic snacks, and TV's. Children learn by watching, listening, and observing their parents on Sunday morning.

Children watch and learn as their parents show respect for the Word of God and the Sacraments.

Children listen and learn as the pastor leads the church in the Lord's Prayer, the Apostle's Creed, and the Scripture reading.

Children observe and learn from the prayers and songs that provide the spiritual rhythms and theological themes of a worship service.

Watching, listening, and learning shapes children's understanding of worship and spirituality at an early age. Moreover, it leads to two other significant factors that impact the faith of your child.

1. As children hear words or biblical ideas they do not understand, they naturally ask their parents questions. Sometimes the questions come during the service and other times they come on the ride home. As a result, having your children in corporate worship provides natural opportunities to teach your young son or daughter about the Christian faith.

2. As children sit with their family they witness the importance of worship in the lives of their parents. Each week the child is reminded that Christianity has a signiificant impact on the lives of mom and dad. Consequently, family worship reinforces the importance of the Christian faith in children at an early age.

Worship is the primary calling for the people of God. We were created to worship the Triune God and have been redeemed to worship him as members of the family of God. 

Yet worship is not just a subjective personal experience - it is a learned activity.

How will children learn how to biblically worship if they are not witnessing and experiencing it each week? 

God has redeemed one people to be his family and to worship him together weekly. It is the responsibility of parents (not church volunteers) to teach their children how to worship the Lord in a way that is biblical and brings honor to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.



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