• Shem Creek Presbyterian Church

  • Growing in the Gospel
    for Christ & the Community

    A community of faith for spiritual formation & discipleship.
  • Beauty
    in the Church

    A new faith community for a Growing Mount Pleasant.
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In his letter to the early church, the Apostle John tells them why Jesus Christ came from Heaven to earth.

"The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil" (1 John 3.8). The Son of God came as Christus Victor, the divine Son sent by the Father to be victorious over Satan. The works of Satan led to sin, evil, and death throughout God's good creation.

But the Father's plan of redemption would attack and destroy Satan. The Son accomplished the work of redemption and defeated Satan, but did it in a way few foresaw.

Instead of bringing the army of Heaven to destroy the devil in a visible show of power, God accomplished his victory by sending his Son to be stripped, beaten, tortured, and hung on a wooden cross. In humility and suffering, the Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated his power to disarm the enemy and offer peace and reconciliation to all who repent and believe in him.

This is the Gospel message that God calls us at Shem Creek to share with others in Mt. Pleasant and Charleston. This is the good news that our church is called to declare to a world that needs to hear it.

Finally, as John reminds us, the Son of God appeared in humility "to destroy the works of the devil." However, the Lord promises when he comes again it will be in a visible show of his eternal power to reward his children and judge those who oppose him.

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