• Shem Creek Presbyterian Church

  • Growing in the Gospel
    for Christ & the Community

    A community of faith for spiritual formation & discipleship.
  • Beauty
    in the Church

    A new faith community for a Growing Mount Pleasant.
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Samson was called to live a life devoted to God and his people.

Instead of following his divine calling, Samson lived for himself; he lived for his own pleasure.

When he was angry at the Philistines he attacked them. When he wanted a wife he told his parents to arrange it. When he wanted sexual gratification he went to a prostitute. When he wanted a mistress he found one in Gaza.

Samson rejected God's call and embraced his own selfish pursuits.

His selfish desires led him to Delilah, someone he loved. Yet, Delilah used him for her own selfish desires - to get rich and famous by learning the secret to his incredible strength and revealing it to his enemies - the Philistines.

Judges 16 begins with Samson in the bed of a prostitute and ends with him in prison. Delilah's treachery led to his ultimate demise in a Philistine prison mill, performing the menial work of slaves.

What is God calling you to in your life? 

How is God calling you to use the gifts he has given you to bring him glory?

Are you using your life for the benefit of others or for your own selfish gains?

The life of Samson reveals an individual who rejected the word of God and lived for himself. He lived for his own pleasure rather than God's glory.

Yet, God still used Samson's death to bring about his plan. Samson defeated more of the enemies of God's people at his death than he did throughout his 20 year ministry as a judge in Israel.

This foreshadows the truth that occured a thousand years later. God would defeat the enemies of his people through death; that victory was won when the Son of God died on the cross. In Christ's death he defeated the enemies of God's people and purchased eternal life for those that belong to him.

Knowing and applying that truth is the key to living a life for God rather than living for yourself as Samson did in Judges. Because God has won a victory for you at the cross you don't have to worry about finding hope or meaning through selfish pursuits. Rather, it means that you find hope and meaning through following him and living for his glory since your future is secure in Jesus Christ.

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